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Make Your Own: Nut/Plant Mylk

When you're living a dairy-free lifestyle its nice to know there are options (both store bought and homemade) that are available for when you fancy a latte or creamy comforting drink.

While traditionally herbal teas aren't usually served with milk, there are some herbal blends that become more delicious and enjoyable with the addition of a dash or two of nut or plant mylk - and let's not forget to mention the increase in nutritional benefits!


Making your own (as with most things) also has many benefits - you know exactly what the ingredients are and have control over the type of nut/seed used (organic versus conventionally grown etc). It is also very therapeutic and satisfying and can quickly become a weekly ritual. Nut mylk can be made from virtually any type of nut, the most successful and commonly used being almond, coconut, cashew and hazelnut. These nuts are readily available from supermarkets and bulk food stores. If you fancy a splurge... the most expensive - yet creamy and delicious mylk you can make is from macadamias - a taste sensation!

Nut mylks can be left plain for different uses throughout the week or flavoured with any of the options below:

  • Add a pinch of Celtic sea salt for savoury mylk

  • To sweeten, add a date when processing the nuts, a dash of honey, maple syrup, coconut nectar or raw unprocessed sugar

  • Add a vanilla bean to the soaking process and blend with the nuts or add a dash of alcohol-free vanilla extract at the end

  • Add a half teaspoon of your spice of choice - cardamom, lavender, turmeric, cinnamon or nutmeg

The Ratio

When blending the nuts, use a ratio of 1 part nuts to 4 parts filtered water. This will enable you to not only use any nut, but you can mix and match - fancy cashew + almond or macadamia + coconut - the possibilities are endless! When blending seeds or grains use the ratio of 1 parts seeds/grains to 3 parts water.

The Process

  1. Add the nuts or seeds to a bowl and cover with filtered water for the recommended soaking time.

  2. Rinse and add the nuts to a high powered blender.

  3. Add filtered water (as per the ratio above) and process on high for 1-2 minutes.

  4. Strain through a nut bag (yes ha ha), squeezing until you are left with a handful of dry pulp.

  5. Chill or serve immediately.

Avoid these common mistakes:

1. Using old or rancid nuts

The taste of mylk made from old, rancid nuts will seriously put you off the prospect of making nut mylk for life, so make sure you use the freshest nuts you can get your hands on.

2. Getting the water to nuts ratio wrong

To avoid a tasteless, watery attempt or a batch that is too thick to filter, stick to the ratio above - 1 part nuts to 4 parts water or 1 part seeds to 3 parts water and you can't go wrong.

3. Not blending for long enough

Avoid lumps and a gritty texture by making sure you thoroughly blend the nuts and water, especially if using a standard blender or stick blender (i.e not a high powered one).

4. Using roasted/cooked nuts

When purchasing your nuts make sure they are raw and unflavoured and as in mistake #1 the freshest you can possibly source. If your budget permits, seek out organic at every opportunity.

5. Not soaking

Soaking is the key to silky smooth, creamy mylk. If you are pushed for time you can use warm water - just be mindful that the hotter the water the higher the chance of destroying the beneficial enzymes and nutrients.

Now what to do with all that left over pulp?

Check out these awesome recipes and ideas that will put all that left over pulp to good use!


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