If you suffer from chemical or hormonal imbalances or are healing from viruses, liver or immune system issues you may experience weak or frizzy hair. You might also react to (and want to avoid) the synthetic chemicals in hair conditioners and are looking for a alternative - look no further than these beautiful, easy to make herbal remedies!
Strengthening Hair Rinse
500ml of white or apple cider vinegar
3 heaped tablespoons of dried nettle leaves
Calming Hair Rinse
500ml of white or apple cider vinegar
3 heaped tablespoons of dried lavender buds
Smooth & Shiny Hair Rinse
500ml of white or apple cider vinegar
3 heaped tablespoons of dried hibiscus flowers
For each variation of the hair rinse, combine the vinegar and herb of choice in a glass jar and cover with a non-metal lid and leave to infuse in a cool dark place for 1-2 weeks.
Strain out the herbs and your rinse concentrate is ready! To use, pour 1 tablespoon into a glass bottle (glass is best as vinegar can weaken plastic and erode metal) and add 200ml of water.
After shampooing, pour your hair rinse over head and allow to sit for about a minute then rinse with water, as you would with a conditioner.
This awesome idea is from Brittany Thomas of the fantastic The Pistachio Project. Check out her blog for more brilliant natural health and beauty ideas and delicious real food recipes.