Lemon balm, a member of the mint family, contains so many healing properties it is considered by most as a herbal cure-all. Lemon balm is extremely high in trace minerals such as boron, manganese, copper, chromium, molybdenum, silica, selenium and iron an is considered a powerful anti-parasitic, antiviral and antibacterial.
Lemon balm is an essential herb for calming the nerves - in particular those involved with digestion - Anthony William
Lemon balm's soothing properties (which come from bioactive phytochemicals) that calm the nerve receptors at the digestive tract result in the nerves becoming less sensitised and a reduction in inflammation. These properties also make lemon balm a valuable herb for managing stress.
Lemon balm fights the Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, and other herpetic viruses. It’s an amazing herb for tonsillitis, which is inflammation caused by strep bacteria. Plus, lemon balm detoxifies the liver, spleen, and kidneys, and helps reduce bladder inflammation, which makes it a star for alleviating cystitis and urinary tract infections - Anthony William
Traditionally, lemon balm has been used to treat anxiety and insomnia. Its mild sedative effect is a well-known feature. These claims stand up to scientific scrutiny, as well as extend beyond treating general anxiety. Beyond the positive effects on anxiety and sleep, research suggests lemon balm supports brain health, memory, thinking, and mood. Antioxidants like eugenol detain free radicals before they can attack brain cells. Rosmarinic acid, a key compound in lemon balm, is also beneficial in this regard.
We find ourselves lying in bed at night, wondering what will happen to us and out families. if you're worried about what the future holds for yourself and others, lemon balm can take the worry away and replace it with a sense of peace - Anthony William

Lemon balm tea is a beverage that does not generally have any side effects, however if you are taking medications and/or prescribed supplements or are pregnant, breastfeeding or have scheduled surgery, consult you health care practitioner before consuming.